Tuesday, September 28, 2010


"I found the paradox. that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love." -Mother Theresa

yeah. will do.

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Only If I Were........

I can't be more jealous.
Paris? Best friend? You've got the best
Just the two of us. We talk, we walk, we shop, we had a brunch. Like we're sisters
Let's explore the city and see what we'll find. Live dangerously!

The V and G Word

Halo. Akhirnya saya tobat menelantarkan blog ini HAHA! Maaf ya blog saya jarang nengokin kamu. Abisan sibuk di sekolah, biasalah anak SMA. Biasalah anak SMA, tontonannya juga film abege hahaha

1. The Salvatores
Saya lagi tergila-gila sama vampires. Eits tapi bukan The Cullens, mereka mah basi. Ada yang lebih gaul dan cool dan lebih rasional (dikit).
Naksir abis-abisan sama Damon, tapi kadang Stefan sweet, tapi Damon hot, tapi tapi tapi... #labil yah intinya mereka berdua adorable.

Stefan is sweet, but Damon is a hottie. You choose haha!

2. Chuck Bass
Manusia peka yang satu ini akhirnya bertobat hahahah dan berubah jadi supersweeeeet <3
I personally think either Chuck or Ed Westwick should stop playing around and find a true love.
They are my favourite couple, jadi sayang banget kalo beneran harus putus.

@nail_polish says: who needs a vampire in a volvo when there's a Chuck Bass in a limo?
so true.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

(Not) A Love Letter

Thankyou for this amazing one month, and of course, still keep going :p

Baik-baik ya di sana

Tenang aja, di sini bakal baik-baik aja, masih ada Castey kok yang setia nemenin hahaha

Inget janji, fokus belajar, Januari jangan lupa pulang samperin sasa. Oke?

Yang di sini gak kangen koook. Beneran. Nyehehehe boong deh.