Sunday, December 27, 2009

Apa Saja Ya?

It's almost the end of the year so... Mari kita bongkar semua memori kejadian apa aja yang menimpa, menghampiri, melengkapi gua taon ini. Kejadian yang memang pantas dan layak untuk diingat.

  1. Ngumpulin KARYA TULIS tanggal 29 Januari
  2. Tanggal 29 hari itu juga ada pengumuman penerimaan SMA, gua diterima hehehe nomor peserta 087 kalo gak salah (gak mungkin salah)

  1. Mulai to-to itu berdatangan
  2. Kayaknya itu doang, gak ada lagi yang penting


  1. Gua makin cinta sama 93 haha kangen banget sama mereka kalo diinget-inget lagi.

  1. PRA UAS atau ulangan umum tapi bahannya dari kelas 7 sampe 9 dan soalnya sadis-sadis aahaha.
  2. Kita ke DUFAN satu angkatan! Semua pake baju putih hahah gapeting. Click for the specific post.
  3. Tanggal 27 sampe 30 UAN

  1. Ujian praktek, dan gua menjadi amat sangat pesimis bisa lulus UAN karena gua mimpi salah masukin nomor peserta waktu UAN BI hahaha.
  2. Ingat musikalisasi puisi?
  3. Lalu liburan Paskah harus dipake buat belajar UAS. Malesin kan? Ya makanya gua gak belajar haihaiahiha.
  4. Hari terakhir belajar efektif di sekolah tanggal 20 Mei, terus kita bebas libur panjang 2 minggu padahal kelas 7 8 masih pada masuk. Hihihi enaknya jadi kelas 9. Tapi bingung juga sih, waktu itu gua ngerasa enakan masuk sekolah karena di rumah pun gak ada kerjaan. Kangen sekolah banget waktu itu.
  5. Gua mulai membaca novel-novel Sitta Karina dan tergila-gila kepada Nara Hanafiah hahaha.


  1. Diajak Greita main ASG wow seru banget gak bohong, meskipun lu harus jadi biru-biru besoknya.
  2. Classmeeting! The most loveable activity of the year. Dan mohon diingat bahwa waktu itu gua masih kelas 9, dan betapa enaknya jadi kelas 9. Baju ungu celana hijau :)
  3. Graduation night (20 Juni). Gua gak bisa ngomong banyak, cuma 3 kata yang bisa ngejelasin semuanya: Gua kangen banget. :')
  4. Lulus dengan nem 36.25 yasudahlah ya yang penting lulus, untung mimpi gua cuman mimpi, serem kali kalo beneran.


  1. Masuk SMA sanur, ya biasalah gak ada sesuatu yang lain, gitu-gitu doang. Dan jujur aja gua sama sekali gak ada semangat waktu itu.
  2. ASG kedua kalinya wow! seru banget parah lebih seru dari yang pertama bahkan.
  3. Berangkat COMOS. Ini baru seru haha. Kita masak loh di sana, meskipun kerjaan gua cuma jadi tukang senter ahahha

Agustus and Sep
tember and October
i can't remember anything precious that happened, may be there was none.

  1. Love comes and sits around me, i don't have any idea what exactly it wants. Love is confusing.

  1. Ulangan terpadu (gua gak bisa ngerjain hampir semua essay nya hhahaihai) tapi di rapot bagus-bagus aja dan yang penting gak ada yang merah.
  2. Classmeeting, gak terlalu excited karena kelas gua gak menang apa-apa.
  3. Saya enambelas tahun. tua.
Sepertinya ini post terpanjang yang pernah gua tulis sepanjang sejarah bloging. Ah yasudahlah. Selamat tahun baru ya. Buat taon baru gua gak ada resolusi, emang gak pernah ada sih hahah.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Right Time to Say

May the joy warms your heart:)
God bless

p.s. i got my hair cut off

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sixteen Years of Living

What day is today?
Report day?
Yes, birthday! It's my birthday :) 22 12 2009 is exactly the day I am turning sixteen. So, happy sweet sixteen Sha. The downside is I am old. But I am old enough to have a boyfriend now yiiiihiiiii. Okay forget that hahaha. And in this happy day, my parents had to go to school to take my report. I am so satisfied because I have no red there ha! Aaaaand to make this day more special some of my besties make a surprise for me :) Hihihihi they are so nice. I love them and I won't wish for any better because I already have the best.

Thank you! Mj, EVelyn , Olen, Feby, Nyanya, SW, Fanie, Vina
THANKYOU is dedicated to every single person who gave me the card and cake, who wished me (sms, facebook, twitter, at school), who prayed for me, who gave presents to me, and everybody who already has the will but hasn't wish me. Hahaha I love you all. Your wishes make me feel alive and let's pray so it will happen. God bless :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



Good old past times. The all old memories when you were young. I can feel time is moving so fast and barely remember all the things, imagining childhood times, everything. I mean, all of them, exactly all of them. Everything's new, isn't it? I miss them seriously. I haven't heard about Hansons or Aqua anymore. The last thing I know about Hansons is: They came to Jakarta like five or six years ago, and that's it. Aqua? Don't ask. I suddenly talking about them because 1.) Yesterday I watched boyband at school (they can't be more eager, they are rock! And shameless haha) and 2.) because I read an really old dusty biographical book, it's my brother's. He mentioned about 911, Spice Girls, The Moffats, Boyzone, and others. His handwriting was awful though. Do you miss them anyway? By the way, I can't control my emotion lately. Often I feel so happy but it can be turned just in a couple minutes. I am not schizophrenia, I am just too tired and overexcited about the new Shasha. So, sorry if one day I write something weird. Or have I?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sing and Play

Gonna write a song so she can see Give her all the love she gives to me Talk of better days that have yet to come Never felt this love from anyone

Should I Be Happy or Anything?

Lalalalalalalalalal. I guess I am. Crap.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Stop Crying, They Always Be There For You

FREE HUGS: Hug Strangers

OASIS - Stop Crying Your Heart Out
Hold up... hold on... don't be scared
You'll never change what's been and gone
May your smile... Shine on... Don't be scared
Your destiny may keep you warm.

Cos all of the stars are fading away
Just try not to worry you'll see them some day
Take what you need and be on your way
And stop crying your heart out

I said I won't post anything before 2 weeks. Sorry but I have to post this. I miss everything, I can't stop crying, these days, even weeks, are so awkward for me. And Oasis still stay here with me haha, wondering why they are staying when people are leaving. I need hug. I need warmth. I really do. So pelase do. Anyway me and Dania will do free hugs campaign at school. Because we know, everyone has a need of hugging. This is good.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

So Sweet

So sweet both of you. I'd love to see you go out together. Erm, I love blogging so much lately, but I don't really know what I want to talk about, so sorry if I post some rubbish. I know this blog is not that interesting. Anyway, I am not gonna post anything after 2 weeks from now. It is because of exams. So have fun!

Friday, November 27, 2009


I give you a giant smile because I am so happy today! I've never felt so happy like this since August. Well, it might be the one of many changes in my life. I am so terribly satisfied, laughing all the time, and I just can't stop smiling. Smiling is the best activity in the world! Aaaaaaaw, I can't handle it. You may think I am moody or crazy but the real me is here. The real me is finally back. I am back! Oh well, if you are trying to make my mood goes down, big fault, it's not affective. I hope I will be this happy for tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, the next weeks and forever. I feel so good to be like this.


Thursday, November 26, 2009

Hanya Satu

Apa kamu pernah mendengar cerita tentang seorang anak manusia?
Dia berwujud.
Dia punya tubuh.
Dia berjiwa raga.
Dia seperti manusia.
Dia hampir sama seperti kita.
Hanya satu yang membuatnya berbeda.
Yang membuatnya menjadi amat berbeda...

Hatinya kosong melompong. Di dalam hatinya tidak terdapat apa-apa.
Tidak ada cinta, tidak ada kasih sayang, yang ada hanya kebencian dan dendam.

Maaf, kalau saya bilang kamu menyerupai binatang, tapi memang benar kan?

Friday, November 20, 2009

Google As I Do

Everytime I get bored I googled. Topic today: Sinkhole. Anyone knows what sinkhole is in Bahasa? I googled then found that sinkhole is a natural disaster which is caused by the removal of soil above water. Never happen in Indonesia perhaps. Are they fantastic, unbelievable, or scary? It makes me shudder honestly, it's a natural disaster, it can happen anywhere and anytime. There are so many more interesting sinkholes but I think these ones are still the prettiest.

Mirnie Diamond Mine - Siberia:

there was a truck!

This sinkhole wasn't natural, people made this to collect diamond underground. They were successfuly did it though.

Diavik Mine - Canada

Human-maid too.

Great Blue Hole - Belize
Underwater cave under the sinkhole

Y ?

Why girls always see boys from their face, fame, and money?
Why boys always see girls from their face, posture, and popularity?
Why they do not see their talents, their character, goodness, honesty, loyalty, heart?
Why girls are so hurt when boys disappeared without a word?
Why boys do hate when girls going out with somebody else (even they are girls)?
Why girls feel so broken if they broke up?
Why boys can find other girls easily just in a couple minutes?
Why oh why life is definitely confusing and unfair?

Friday, November 13, 2009

Not In Love :p

There are times. You're so impossible that I should sign a waiver
And you will find. Someone worth walking on when you ask me to go
-The wind blows - AAR

Damn, girl, dry your eyes
You stole my heart, and then you kicked it aside
No, girl you can't see
When he's inside you know there's no room for me
-Damn girl - AAR

Even though I want you. Even though I need you
Even though my heart is screaming, Still believing we could fall in love
Even though I want you. Even though I need you
Even though we won't find better. We can't stay together
-Stay together - Mr.Big

If it sounds like I am broken, it's so not true. I'm happy with my love life. Although sometimes I get bored with it or even frustrated. The reason is school. It drives me crazy and out of control. It really takes my teen spirit and often I feel so old (I am old, but I feel any older). No more 9 pm sleep time. I truly hate it. I feel sleepy all day long, I can't enjoy my Sunday, never sleep well every Sunday night, nightmares come and go after me, I don't have time to read comic books. Well, the last thing is unimportant, but I miss my old daily-routine so badly.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

If I Were One of Them

Crazy night. I enjoyed the day so much. They sang, they danced, they yelled like there's no tomorrow. Wondering why canisians can enjoy their school life, haven't they got homework and exams? I wish I were one of them, I wish so badly.

By the way, it has been exactly a year since I have been writing on my blog.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Karena sejak awal aku memang tidak nampak di matamu, sampai sekarangpun kamu tetap tidak melihatku. Mungkin kamu harus merasakan ini sekali-sekali, sakit tau!

"Jadi kamu mau aku bagaimana?"
"Aku mau kamu mati saja, bodoh. Dasar pembohong"

Huh tau apa kamu? Kamu tidak tahu apa-apa kecuali dirimu sendiri, makhluk egois.

Ditanya A jawab B, kamu ini mengindar atau memang bodoh sih?

Puas kamu? Sukses membuatku frustrasi sepanjang hari.

Untuk apa kamu tahu? Toh kamu juga tidak peduli.

Aku benci saat kamu hanya berkata "haha". Salah sekali, kepalsuanmu terungkap sudah.

Jangan membuat hidupku berputar. Kamu mau membuatku makin menderita?

Aku tidak mau menjatuhkan air mata lagi. Kesalahan terfatal yang pernah kulakukan hanya karena orang idiot seperti kamu.

"Lalu aku ini siapa?" "Bukan siapa-siapa". Sakit.

Tunggu saja, semua rasa sakit yang selama ini kubendung akan kubebankan kepadamu. Tidak sekarang. Tapi tunggu saja, someday I will. Jadi lebih baik kamu waspada, jangan santai-santai saja. Ini semua salahmu.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

One Bite and Chew

A pack of souvenirs finally arrived to my house yesterday. My cousins went to Philippine like months ago, they sent the gifts yesterday. It's kinda really late, huh? Well, never mind. My mind is battling, should I eat less or not. If I should, it will be too hard to struggle against my snacking hobby. If I shouldn't, I am getting fatter (not taller). Great, it's dilemma. I have been eating four polvorons (souvenir from Philipine) today. My favourite: cookies and cream polvoron. So scrumptious. I love all the polvoron flavour actually which makes me fat. Ya ya ya this post is not so important i know.
By the way, I saw The Ugly Truth yesterday. That was cool and sweet ♥. People are falling in love everywhere, everytime, nobody knows. People even can be in love with their enemies one day. Life and love are complicated, aren't they? In real life, my friend(s) are in love too (err it's more appropriate to say they have a crush) and I'm happy for them! Me and Vina little bit sirik sih hahaha. I want to focus on school first, maybe this is not the time yet to think about something goes with love thingy.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hello, I'm back. This is just a quick post so no much talking or writing. I want to tell you about many things here, but I don't think it will be so attractive, so err yah, here you go:
1. I watched how to make Instant Hot Ice video on youtube. At first it's kinda weird to hear "hot ice" because ice is not hot. Just click to find out what "hot ice" is. It's not tricky or anything, it's science.
2. Thanks to Ardania Kirana Putri, (your blog is a wow) for giving me a chance to see Dihantui Tuhan. People are getting away from God. Perhaps they've got money, friends, popularity, or anything, but they don't realize: they're nothing without God. Maybe this post will help.

3. Hahahaha this is silly. I found a self made treasure map, I made it when I was 6. Isn't this stupid; I used to believe in a treasure map which is made by myself? Hahahaha missing my childhood times. Time is moving so fast.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

i can't stand you

Ini bukannya ngomel, tapi gua butuh tempat buat numpahin semuanya tapi gua gatau mau ke mana lagi selain di posting ini karena hari ini gua lagi parah banget sumpah kacau banget. Gua cuma mau bilang ya, dikacangin ato dianggep gak ada itu gak enak banget. Satu hal doang yang gua minta, kalo lo gak suka sama gua yaudah, bilang aja jujur supaya gua bisa ngerubah sikap. Gak perlu ngacangin gua. Gua gak maksa lo untuk nganggep gua sebagai temen lo, karena gua sadar gua terlalu biasa, terlalu datar, terlalu aneh buat jadi temen lo. Tapi please dong, gua juga manusia, bukan tembok, kalo ditanya ya jawab sebisa lo, gak perlu pura-pura gak denger ato apapunlah. Capek hidup kayak gini. Gua udah berasa sabar ya selama ini, tapi gua gak kuat lagi.
Sorry gua tau gak semestinya yang kaya gini dipasang di blog tapi mau gimana lagi.

Friday, September 25, 2009

It's Addictive

Hello everyone, I'm writing again because I have beneficial thing to do. So here I am, sitting in front of my computer, typing on my keyboard, listening to favourite songs. Why is blogging so addictive? The only way to give back my freedom haha writing is free, isn't it? I won't write about school because everything in it are lame. Here we go, I'm talking about a man now. He is an actor, I bet everybody knows them. He has done some movies and TV series and all of his works are amaaaaazing and addictive! Watch his movies over and over again without getting bored, because he is a comedian, he knows how to entertain us

Rowan Atkinson - Mr. Bean. He is just too gifted to act like a man with brain far bellow normal.
In his movies, conversation is really rarely found. He just uses his body language, a simple way to talk but can make people laughing out loud.

This video is my favourite of Mr. Bean TV series. Check this out if you want to laugh out loud

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Di Kala Kau Terluka, Dia Selalu Ada

Untuk apa kau takut kepada hal yang tidak kau tahu
Untuk apa kau percaya pada penebar benci
Untuk apa kau menjadi pemburu kebenaran
Saat kau menyingkap tirai yang menutupi kenyataan
Hatimu terkoyak pisau-pisau tajam kejujuran
Rasanya sakit
Ada baiknya kebohongan itu, mungkin
Menunda waktu kejujuran menyakitimu
Membiarkanmu terbang di angkasa kebahagiaan
Meskipun itu semua palsu
Di kala kau terluka
Tak tahu, bingung mau percaya yang mana
Biarkan dia menuntunmu
Yang tak pernah hilang pergi meninggalkanmu
Dia selalu ada dalam hatimu
Melengkapi semua kekosongan dirimu
Ya, itulah cinta
-Skolastika Natasha Kurniawati-

(Gak nyambung ya? Iya gak nyambung. Tapi cuma itu yang bisa gua ungkapin sekarang ini. Haha gua jadi melankolis ya.)

Friday, September 18, 2009

Totally Random

What I am reading:

What I just discovered:

What I really really want to eat now:

Seebenernya, gua mau menulis dan memasukkan sesuatu yang lebih menarik, tapi apa ya gua juga gatau. Hari ini hari pertama libur. Bingung. Sekolah bingung, libur juga bingung.
AH yaudah lah gua mau bermalas malasan. Terus nerjain pr mat, terus ke mol cari baju sama kado buat 17annya Michelle nanti sore. Ini post yang sangat tidak mutu, gua tau.

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Life's Good

Beberapa minggu lalu gua sempet frustrasi banget, gua ngerasa gak ada lagi artinya hidup, gua ngerasa gak ada orang yang peduli sama gua, gua ngerasa hidup itu bosenin banget, jauh lebih ngebosenin daripada pelajaran fisika bumt.
Gua mau teriak rasanya, gua perlu sharing, gua perlu ngasih tau apa yang gua rasain ke siapapun orangnya. Tapi apa gunanya? Toh gak ada yang peduli sama apapun yang gua tulis sama apapun yang gua omongin.

Ada satu temen gua, yang mungkin dia pernah ngerasain hal-hal yang sama kaya gua. Gua sering baca blognya dia, menurut gua dia pinter banget nulis, dia kreatif! Dia bisa mengungkapkan apa yang dia rasain tentang loneliness, love, and other life stuff. Dan dulu gua cuma baca, gua gak berusaha memberi support, gua cuma nikmatin apa yang dia tulis. ITU DOANG.
Baru-baru ini, gua baca blognya lagi, kagum sama tulisannya dan gua jadi mikir; Gua tau banget rasanya kesepian di mana gak ada satu orang pun yang punya rasa simpati ke elo. Gua pernah ngerasain dan gua gak mau ngerasain hal-hal kayak gitu lagi.
Gua mau berubah, gua gak cuma baca, tapi gua juga kasih support. Soalnya gua tau gimana super gak enak rasanya kalo lu melakukan sesuatu dan berharap ada orang yang memberi respon sekecil apapun, tapi ternyata gak ada respon sama sekali. Satu hal yang dibutuhin semua orang waktu lagi kacau: Semangat dari orang-orang. Itu yang bikin gua tetep ngerasa hidup.

Hey dude, life's good! If I could ask for a better life, I would ask for my current life. I love my upside-down-crazy-out-of-normal-and-moody life badly.
Life's good, everything He has done is the best for us. Go and do your best.

"Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the world needs is people who have come alive." -Howard Thurman

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Becoming Insane

"Follow your heart, not others."
should I??

"Three grand essentials to happiness in this life are something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."
Great, I do none of them

Would you like to cheer me up? I am immediately dying inside. I need what I need:

Sorry for a really uninteresting post. I am just feeling terrible recently, y'know sometimes people need anything more than words. They need love and hugs, so do I.

Saturday, August 29, 2009


Udah puas ketawa, Sha?
Puas banget. Ngetawain diri sendiri pula.

Friday, August 28, 2009

Heaven On Earth

First, I'm looking for money to buy plane tickets. Where? Don't ask, where ever. I need vacation, you can't make me study hard all the time, can you? I ain't a robot.
Second, Hey let's talk about tomorrow, it's Saturday. I only had one out of five weeks for doing my ekskul, how pathetic. I'm gonna have Belanda and kecantikan lesson, finally. Weeks with no ekskul were so boring. They removed Saturday Schedule easily without thinking of HOW could teachers give us a proper test for the report. They didn't even get much time.
I'm just thinking. Sometimes I can be more organized than y'all. Maybe it is not sometimes but often.
The last ones, follow me on twitter. I am crazy about it right now and well yah you know what the reason is. And just want to say this: This is our country we have to protect, I don't like any kind of chauvinism.
Okay. Good night. Bye.

Monday, August 17, 2009

10 Random Facts

I'm so moody these days. Why is that?
1. I am happy because I am following William Moseley and Skandar Keynes on twitter now. I'm a new member and still learning, but deeply interested in it.
2. I am getting tired of school. Everything in it is sucks.
3. I don't know which side I am in. Everybody is confusing right now, they are busy with their own amusements.
4. I watched G.I. Joe and fell in love with Channing Tatum. He is the real hottie. Wondering if there's a second G.I Joe.
5. Everybody is in kepo condition and so am I. But I know everything and I don't think they need to know.
6. You people are boring, you should make them more attractive. Lazy not ready enough for school.
7. Nobody cares about me, well yah I don't hope either.
8. I'm alone, I feel lonely, I feel terrible when I'm listening to something I'm not supposed to hear. Just thinking I'd better if I don't know about it.
9. I am happy for you!
10. I still love will and ever.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

About This And That

(click to enlarge)
About three things I absolutely addicted to recently. It seemed really bad at first, it was getting better, but now I feel worse. I miss junior high, I love the second picture, seriously. I don't enjoy the new daily routine. A kind of wasting-time-business. Aaaaarr I wanna go to minimarket and buy a dozen OREO. My friend told me about how to eat OREO deliciously hahah and I'm curious....... . ... . . . She said: put OREO in a bowl, then pour a little fluid milk, and crush the oreo. That's it. Oh I'm feeling hungry now, but I haven't got any OREO in my fridge.
P.S. I beg my mum to buy me a ticket for Mr. Big, they are going to be here soon!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

You Are NOT Nothing

Sorry baru mulai ngeblog sekarang, yah lo pada tau lah, sekolah sudah dimulai dan akhirnya gua kembali punya kesibukan yang berguna. Capek banget, duh baru berapa hari sekolah aja gua udah ngerasa kecapean, apalagi nanti kalo ulangan sama tugas mulai merajalela, makin bengek dong gua. Dan yah sekadar info, gua sekarang menjadi anak kelas X4 haha gak sekelas sama siapa-siapa, pinter banget. Besok OH kayanya gua bakal ambil korea sama gambal.
I cried, but once I finally found out the reason. It's definetely complicated and I don't know what to do without you girls. So if you want me to stay, please don't go. Because you might be the one and only thing that makes me hold out in there. If you ask me are you okay, the answer is I am not.
Errr sebenernya gua agak curiga jangan-jangan gua beneran kena tulah. Jujur gua bingung banget. Gak ada yang positif sama sekali, gua pengen balik ke masa 2 taon lalu waktu libur kenaikan ke kelas 8. Gua mau benerin semuanya dari situ.

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Man, I Am Senior Now

Hey! The holiday is almost finished in couple of days. And I'm happy of it. I don't like this holiday actually, absolutely do nothing important. My daily amusements currently: wake up in the morning, go jogging, eat, take a nap, read comic books, text some friends, do practice piano and guitar, I wait patiently for Harry Potter, G.I. Joe, and Public Enemies, watch DVD, and watch the presidential election newest updates. The last one is really amusing haha! We can see who the silliest are and they still want to be the winner. How pathetic. Please act your age, Sir and Madame! Sorry no offense, but you guys talk like little kids. Just face the facts, it's not your turn yet. Especially someone (I'm not mentioning any name).

I still cry and it can't stop, still don't know the reason. I miss going to school, I miss my superb girls, I miss gossiping and being stupid with them, I really miss someone, she is going to a different school now, maybe we'll not meet for weeks. It won't be the same without her :'''''( .....and I am missing something, probably. I am afraid of SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL. Read the bold word, feel it, which means I am getting older and older. Noooo, I want to be a teenager forever. Next year I'm going to be 17 (tua banget sih).

Picture above is my footprints when I was in Belitung. Just for your information, I finally cut my hair off! YEAH I do love this hair, will start to hate it when it's getting longer. Hehahehah.
**Please answer: Do I look like a mean girl? Or AM I a mean girl?** Sometimes I hear that on my mind.

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Hello Fellas. Hello Feelings

Let's say HELLO to Michael Learns To Rock. Who doesn't know MLTR? Everybody knows them, rite? Old and young people do love them. If you never hear this band before, at least you know their song. You just don't know who sings that song. Okay, check this video out. Let it goes into your heart slowly and deeply. Listen to it. Sing it. Feel it. Love it.

Michael Learns To Rock - That's Why You Go Away (I think this is the most famous, everybody knows it)

I got beautiful words:
Paint my love you should paint my love
It's the picture of thousand sunsets
It's the freedom of a thousand doves
Baby you should paint my love
(This is my favourite lyrics from Paint My Love)

Take Me To Your Heart. Paint My Love. Breaking My Heart. That's Why You Go Away
Personally think Paint My love is better, but That's Why You Go is more popular. I only know four songs, sure they still have another well-known songs. They started playing as a band in 1988, ya know? Why 'learns to rock'? They DO play and sing rock fabulously anyway. And they are Danish.
Do I have to say it again? Bring back the 80s and 90s, dude! Hard to find some good Indonesian bands these days. Too much rubbish. Sorry, but that's true.

About my life recently, don't know why I cry all the time. I'm not interested to find out. Perhaps it wasn't meant to be figured out. Impossible you will read this post but not too bad to say this here: You can come and go away easily in my life. You know what? I am trying to forget you so hard to death.

Friday, June 26, 2009


Hello everyone, I just came back from my three days holiday. Okay, I went to Belitung island, Indonesia. Here are some pictures.

(click to enlarge images)
Location: Bangka-Belitung Province, Indonesia
Things to bring: sunblock, hats, flip flops, shorts, sunglasses, camera.
Well-known places: Tanjung Tinggi Beach, Langkuas Lighthouse Island, Laskar Pelangi Reef.

Superb beach. Bagus banget kan? Mestinya gue ajak aja anak fotografi biar hasil foto-fotonya jadi lebih bagus lagi. Belitung sebenernya bagus banget, jauh lebih bagus daripada Bali. Pasirnya putih, terus airnya juga masih bersih banget dan banyak batu karang bagus. Tapi karena kurang promosi jadinya Belitung gak gitu dikenal masyarakat. Padahal turis asing bakal tertarik banget sama Belitung. Bisa jadi salah satu tempat wisata terbaik di Indonesia. Sayangnya karena pengunjungnya gak terlalu banyak, fasilitasnya juga kurang memadai. Coba aja, kalo pemerintah lebih mengekspos Belitung Island di dunia internasional, beh Bali sama Bunaken mah lewat lah. Mercusuarnya ada 18 lantai, dan cuma tersedia tangga, jadi kalo mau naik sampai atas ya harus jalan kaki, just like what i did.