Friday, September 25, 2009

It's Addictive

Hello everyone, I'm writing again because I have beneficial thing to do. So here I am, sitting in front of my computer, typing on my keyboard, listening to favourite songs. Why is blogging so addictive? The only way to give back my freedom haha writing is free, isn't it? I won't write about school because everything in it are lame. Here we go, I'm talking about a man now. He is an actor, I bet everybody knows them. He has done some movies and TV series and all of his works are amaaaaazing and addictive! Watch his movies over and over again without getting bored, because he is a comedian, he knows how to entertain us

Rowan Atkinson - Mr. Bean. He is just too gifted to act like a man with brain far bellow normal.
In his movies, conversation is really rarely found. He just uses his body language, a simple way to talk but can make people laughing out loud.

This video is my favourite of Mr. Bean TV series. Check this out if you want to laugh out loud



wuets mr bean! eh bokap sama adek gw kalo nonton mr bean bisa ngakak kenceng banget gila ahaha

Shasha said...

gue juga sih -___-