Friday, August 28, 2009

Heaven On Earth

First, I'm looking for money to buy plane tickets. Where? Don't ask, where ever. I need vacation, you can't make me study hard all the time, can you? I ain't a robot.
Second, Hey let's talk about tomorrow, it's Saturday. I only had one out of five weeks for doing my ekskul, how pathetic. I'm gonna have Belanda and kecantikan lesson, finally. Weeks with no ekskul were so boring. They removed Saturday Schedule easily without thinking of HOW could teachers give us a proper test for the report. They didn't even get much time.
I'm just thinking. Sometimes I can be more organized than y'all. Maybe it is not sometimes but often.
The last ones, follow me on twitter. I am crazy about it right now and well yah you know what the reason is. And just want to say this: This is our country we have to protect, I don't like any kind of chauvinism.
Okay. Good night. Bye.

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