Wednesday, October 28, 2009


Karena sejak awal aku memang tidak nampak di matamu, sampai sekarangpun kamu tetap tidak melihatku. Mungkin kamu harus merasakan ini sekali-sekali, sakit tau!

"Jadi kamu mau aku bagaimana?"
"Aku mau kamu mati saja, bodoh. Dasar pembohong"

Huh tau apa kamu? Kamu tidak tahu apa-apa kecuali dirimu sendiri, makhluk egois.

Ditanya A jawab B, kamu ini mengindar atau memang bodoh sih?

Puas kamu? Sukses membuatku frustrasi sepanjang hari.

Untuk apa kamu tahu? Toh kamu juga tidak peduli.

Aku benci saat kamu hanya berkata "haha". Salah sekali, kepalsuanmu terungkap sudah.

Jangan membuat hidupku berputar. Kamu mau membuatku makin menderita?

Aku tidak mau menjatuhkan air mata lagi. Kesalahan terfatal yang pernah kulakukan hanya karena orang idiot seperti kamu.

"Lalu aku ini siapa?" "Bukan siapa-siapa". Sakit.

Tunggu saja, semua rasa sakit yang selama ini kubendung akan kubebankan kepadamu. Tidak sekarang. Tapi tunggu saja, someday I will. Jadi lebih baik kamu waspada, jangan santai-santai saja. Ini semua salahmu.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

One Bite and Chew

A pack of souvenirs finally arrived to my house yesterday. My cousins went to Philippine like months ago, they sent the gifts yesterday. It's kinda really late, huh? Well, never mind. My mind is battling, should I eat less or not. If I should, it will be too hard to struggle against my snacking hobby. If I shouldn't, I am getting fatter (not taller). Great, it's dilemma. I have been eating four polvorons (souvenir from Philipine) today. My favourite: cookies and cream polvoron. So scrumptious. I love all the polvoron flavour actually which makes me fat. Ya ya ya this post is not so important i know.
By the way, I saw The Ugly Truth yesterday. That was cool and sweet ♥. People are falling in love everywhere, everytime, nobody knows. People even can be in love with their enemies one day. Life and love are complicated, aren't they? In real life, my friend(s) are in love too (err it's more appropriate to say they have a crush) and I'm happy for them! Me and Vina little bit sirik sih hahaha. I want to focus on school first, maybe this is not the time yet to think about something goes with love thingy.

Friday, October 9, 2009

Hello, I'm back. This is just a quick post so no much talking or writing. I want to tell you about many things here, but I don't think it will be so attractive, so err yah, here you go:
1. I watched how to make Instant Hot Ice video on youtube. At first it's kinda weird to hear "hot ice" because ice is not hot. Just click to find out what "hot ice" is. It's not tricky or anything, it's science.
2. Thanks to Ardania Kirana Putri, (your blog is a wow) for giving me a chance to see Dihantui Tuhan. People are getting away from God. Perhaps they've got money, friends, popularity, or anything, but they don't realize: they're nothing without God. Maybe this post will help.

3. Hahahaha this is silly. I found a self made treasure map, I made it when I was 6. Isn't this stupid; I used to believe in a treasure map which is made by myself? Hahahaha missing my childhood times. Time is moving so fast.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

i can't stand you

Ini bukannya ngomel, tapi gua butuh tempat buat numpahin semuanya tapi gua gatau mau ke mana lagi selain di posting ini karena hari ini gua lagi parah banget sumpah kacau banget. Gua cuma mau bilang ya, dikacangin ato dianggep gak ada itu gak enak banget. Satu hal doang yang gua minta, kalo lo gak suka sama gua yaudah, bilang aja jujur supaya gua bisa ngerubah sikap. Gak perlu ngacangin gua. Gua gak maksa lo untuk nganggep gua sebagai temen lo, karena gua sadar gua terlalu biasa, terlalu datar, terlalu aneh buat jadi temen lo. Tapi please dong, gua juga manusia, bukan tembok, kalo ditanya ya jawab sebisa lo, gak perlu pura-pura gak denger ato apapunlah. Capek hidup kayak gini. Gua udah berasa sabar ya selama ini, tapi gua gak kuat lagi.
Sorry gua tau gak semestinya yang kaya gini dipasang di blog tapi mau gimana lagi.