Sunday, December 27, 2009

Apa Saja Ya?

It's almost the end of the year so... Mari kita bongkar semua memori kejadian apa aja yang menimpa, menghampiri, melengkapi gua taon ini. Kejadian yang memang pantas dan layak untuk diingat.

  1. Ngumpulin KARYA TULIS tanggal 29 Januari
  2. Tanggal 29 hari itu juga ada pengumuman penerimaan SMA, gua diterima hehehe nomor peserta 087 kalo gak salah (gak mungkin salah)

  1. Mulai to-to itu berdatangan
  2. Kayaknya itu doang, gak ada lagi yang penting


  1. Gua makin cinta sama 93 haha kangen banget sama mereka kalo diinget-inget lagi.

  1. PRA UAS atau ulangan umum tapi bahannya dari kelas 7 sampe 9 dan soalnya sadis-sadis aahaha.
  2. Kita ke DUFAN satu angkatan! Semua pake baju putih hahah gapeting. Click for the specific post.
  3. Tanggal 27 sampe 30 UAN

  1. Ujian praktek, dan gua menjadi amat sangat pesimis bisa lulus UAN karena gua mimpi salah masukin nomor peserta waktu UAN BI hahaha.
  2. Ingat musikalisasi puisi?
  3. Lalu liburan Paskah harus dipake buat belajar UAS. Malesin kan? Ya makanya gua gak belajar haihaiahiha.
  4. Hari terakhir belajar efektif di sekolah tanggal 20 Mei, terus kita bebas libur panjang 2 minggu padahal kelas 7 8 masih pada masuk. Hihihi enaknya jadi kelas 9. Tapi bingung juga sih, waktu itu gua ngerasa enakan masuk sekolah karena di rumah pun gak ada kerjaan. Kangen sekolah banget waktu itu.
  5. Gua mulai membaca novel-novel Sitta Karina dan tergila-gila kepada Nara Hanafiah hahaha.


  1. Diajak Greita main ASG wow seru banget gak bohong, meskipun lu harus jadi biru-biru besoknya.
  2. Classmeeting! The most loveable activity of the year. Dan mohon diingat bahwa waktu itu gua masih kelas 9, dan betapa enaknya jadi kelas 9. Baju ungu celana hijau :)
  3. Graduation night (20 Juni). Gua gak bisa ngomong banyak, cuma 3 kata yang bisa ngejelasin semuanya: Gua kangen banget. :')
  4. Lulus dengan nem 36.25 yasudahlah ya yang penting lulus, untung mimpi gua cuman mimpi, serem kali kalo beneran.


  1. Masuk SMA sanur, ya biasalah gak ada sesuatu yang lain, gitu-gitu doang. Dan jujur aja gua sama sekali gak ada semangat waktu itu.
  2. ASG kedua kalinya wow! seru banget parah lebih seru dari yang pertama bahkan.
  3. Berangkat COMOS. Ini baru seru haha. Kita masak loh di sana, meskipun kerjaan gua cuma jadi tukang senter ahahha

Agustus and Sep
tember and October
i can't remember anything precious that happened, may be there was none.

  1. Love comes and sits around me, i don't have any idea what exactly it wants. Love is confusing.

  1. Ulangan terpadu (gua gak bisa ngerjain hampir semua essay nya hhahaihai) tapi di rapot bagus-bagus aja dan yang penting gak ada yang merah.
  2. Classmeeting, gak terlalu excited karena kelas gua gak menang apa-apa.
  3. Saya enambelas tahun. tua.
Sepertinya ini post terpanjang yang pernah gua tulis sepanjang sejarah bloging. Ah yasudahlah. Selamat tahun baru ya. Buat taon baru gua gak ada resolusi, emang gak pernah ada sih hahah.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

The Right Time to Say

May the joy warms your heart:)
God bless

p.s. i got my hair cut off

Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Sixteen Years of Living

What day is today?
Report day?
Yes, birthday! It's my birthday :) 22 12 2009 is exactly the day I am turning sixteen. So, happy sweet sixteen Sha. The downside is I am old. But I am old enough to have a boyfriend now yiiiihiiiii. Okay forget that hahaha. And in this happy day, my parents had to go to school to take my report. I am so satisfied because I have no red there ha! Aaaaand to make this day more special some of my besties make a surprise for me :) Hihihihi they are so nice. I love them and I won't wish for any better because I already have the best.

Thank you! Mj, EVelyn , Olen, Feby, Nyanya, SW, Fanie, Vina
THANKYOU is dedicated to every single person who gave me the card and cake, who wished me (sms, facebook, twitter, at school), who prayed for me, who gave presents to me, and everybody who already has the will but hasn't wish me. Hahaha I love you all. Your wishes make me feel alive and let's pray so it will happen. God bless :)

Wednesday, December 16, 2009



Good old past times. The all old memories when you were young. I can feel time is moving so fast and barely remember all the things, imagining childhood times, everything. I mean, all of them, exactly all of them. Everything's new, isn't it? I miss them seriously. I haven't heard about Hansons or Aqua anymore. The last thing I know about Hansons is: They came to Jakarta like five or six years ago, and that's it. Aqua? Don't ask. I suddenly talking about them because 1.) Yesterday I watched boyband at school (they can't be more eager, they are rock! And shameless haha) and 2.) because I read an really old dusty biographical book, it's my brother's. He mentioned about 911, Spice Girls, The Moffats, Boyzone, and others. His handwriting was awful though. Do you miss them anyway? By the way, I can't control my emotion lately. Often I feel so happy but it can be turned just in a couple minutes. I am not schizophrenia, I am just too tired and overexcited about the new Shasha. So, sorry if one day I write something weird. Or have I?

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Sing and Play

Gonna write a song so she can see Give her all the love she gives to me Talk of better days that have yet to come Never felt this love from anyone

Should I Be Happy or Anything?

Lalalalalalalalalal. I guess I am. Crap.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Stop Crying, They Always Be There For You

FREE HUGS: Hug Strangers

OASIS - Stop Crying Your Heart Out
Hold up... hold on... don't be scared
You'll never change what's been and gone
May your smile... Shine on... Don't be scared
Your destiny may keep you warm.

Cos all of the stars are fading away
Just try not to worry you'll see them some day
Take what you need and be on your way
And stop crying your heart out

I said I won't post anything before 2 weeks. Sorry but I have to post this. I miss everything, I can't stop crying, these days, even weeks, are so awkward for me. And Oasis still stay here with me haha, wondering why they are staying when people are leaving. I need hug. I need warmth. I really do. So pelase do. Anyway me and Dania will do free hugs campaign at school. Because we know, everyone has a need of hugging. This is good.