Friday, March 6, 2009

thanks for everything

I was really satisfied. I never feel so happy like this before. A lot of things happen at school today. But this is the first time I was so grateful to have a friends like them :D. They are the craziest, funnest, the most responsible, the most creative people that in my world HA-HA. I'd never realized if it is so amaaaazing to know you all! I really do love you. At last, I want to say: THANK YOU, thanks for everything.

p.s. semoga tulisan-tulisan kalian di kertas ini bisa bikin gua lebih semangat, lebih niat, lebih termotivasi, lebih rajin belajar buat ujian supaya nilainya bisa lebih maksimal, lebih pede dan berani, lebih terbuka. I'm gonna miss you. I'm really proud to be a part of this community.

yaaah maap tulisannya gak kebaca nih, padahal isinya seru loh hahahha.

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