Wednesday, December 10, 2008

award from caroline

this is award from : CAROLINE

Rules :
1. Each blogger must post this rules .
2. You need to choose ten people to be awarded and list their names .
3. Don't forget to leave them comment telling them they've been tagged and to read your blog .

Tag : yoshi, lala, marjess, rizca, varrani, ingrid, rosy, marcia, mia, tnn! :)


heyhey i saw city of ember this evening aaand it's great wooohoo. gatau kenapa ya menurut gua city of ember lebih bagus daripada twilight *maaf kalo banyak yang gak setuju* tapi menurut gua gitu. yah gua emang lebih suka fantasy sih dari pada romantis2an. city of ember remind me about THE CHRONICLES OF NARNIA yeah. sama sama walden media gitu. dari 3 film walden media yang gua tonton semua bagoooosss keren semua : NARNIA, THE WATERHORSE, CITY OF EMBER.

dan i finished my MARYAMAH KARPOV last week. overall great, tapi sad ending men :(

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